come and debug the circuit

The Circuit Debugging competition conducted by the IEEE Student Branch was conducted on the 6th of October 2018. The competition was designed to test the knowledge of the participants in the field of network analysis and circuit connections on breadboard. The registration fees for the event was Rs.100 the a price pool of Rs. 1500 was allocated for the first and second place teams. Each team consisted of two members. The event was organized and conducted by C.L Rohan Chinni, an IEEE student member.

A total of 21 teams registered for this event, showing great enthusiasm and interest in this competition. The competition consisted of three rounds:- the first was a quiz consisting of 30 questions and the top 10 teams were eligible for the second round (score basis). The second round consisted of two parts, which included solving a crossword and circuit re-creation. This tested the memory of the participants, as the questions included various topics one would have studied earlier in high school. The last round was between 5 teams.

The rounds objective was to test the analytical skills of the participants by asking them to produce a certain output for a given input. The result was tested on the CRO. The round was judged by the organizer(Rohan) and all the participants were intrigued by the entire event. Rohan was supported by other student branch members as volunteers for the competition to help run things smoothly.

The winner team with B. Manjunath and Anirudha K.S of 5th semester EEE were awarded with a cash price of Rs. 1000 followed by second place awarded with a cash price of Rs. 500.

